As shown by the experience of the environment, economy and energy are closely related to each other. After all, it is impossible to deny that the improper use of natural resources dramatically negative impact on the environment. Today, human activity has already resulted in a disastrous impact to the ecology and economy of energy, in its current state, it becomes the only hope of a change for the better. In the context of global transformation, will be achieved only when each individual person begins to very carefully and conserve energy resources. In the near future, the use of alternative sources of energy, coupled with the ever-present energy-saving will give you the opportunity to provide a gentle relationship with nature.

It activates the functioning and the development of a sufficient rate of industrial and energy companies, it leads to a number of environmental issues, energy saving, could, in part, to contribute to the solution. The adoption of the program of efficient use of resources at the state level, it has become an important step towards addressing the priorities in the field of environmental protection. And the energy savings is a key element of this process. At that time, how productive they will be implemented in the technologies of energy saving, depends to a large extent and the ecological status. Therefore, the issues related to the ecology and the economy of energy must be applied in a systems approach, considering the proportional impact on the environmental health of the region in all processes of the company.
Today, the vast majority of the countries in the world, is committed to the protection of the environment, and saving energy is not the only way to achieve the results that you want. A top priority in many countries, it is considered today, the use of renewable sources of energy. Fonts similar to a more affordable and safer in the process), the application of traditional energy sources. The most popular and used sources of alternative energy are solar panels, generators, wind energy, wind energy, and the installation of the turbine. The ability to generate energy, and they are a lot less well known and is applied to the sources of funding for energy-and, at times, go beyond them in a variety of parameters, but their efficiency is much higher. According to the estimates of experts, along with renewable sources of energy, phenomenal potential, and if they do not have a harmful effect on the environment, economy, energy, and, in the case of the transition to the industry of alternative energy sources in the party, it will lose its relevance. But the forecasts are optimistic for the promise of a transition to alternative energy sources, not less than 30 or 40 years ago, on the condition that they shall be subject to the traditional sources, it affects the environment, economy, energy, and the meaning of the word, it is of vital importance to the future of the human race.
Environmental issues and conservation of energy are now considered in all programmes of regional development, where one of the main priorities is the preservation of the environment and of the conservation of energy is given the highest priority. An integrated approach to the ecology and the conservation of energy, it will allow everyone to take advantage. A Normal citizen is capable of unless you pay all the bills incurred on them for the energy and industrial enterprises, such as the giant and small, and to reduce the cost of the final product, and the amount of the costs of the production process. The amount of savings, thanks to the rational use of energy resources, the state will be able to submit to the economic and social development, and, more importantly, the nature of it is capable to is a little bit of a respite from the continuous to the persons.